Archive for the Best of ZehnKatzen Category

[zehnkatzen] The Portland Marquam Bridge Skyline Picture Has Jefferson Smith’s Back

Posted in Best of ZehnKatzen, Jefferson Smith, PDX Skyline, ZehnKatzen on May 8, 2012 by Samuel John Klein Portlandiensis
2813.When a particularly beloved progeny goes on TV, there’s always a moment of swelling pride. Now, some know this photo, and it has gone round the world a couple of times (sadly, not always permitted). Back in January, though, I reached an agreement with the Jefferson Smith for Mayor campaign to license the photo for use.

This, of course, is that photo:

It went on a few posters, which made me rather extremely happy. But in the latest campaign spot for Jefferson, my happiness meter pretty much pegged. Not just because it’s a darned fine spot, and Jefferson looks very good in it, but the graphic backing up the titles going in and coming out should look very familiar.

Here they are in freeze frame:

… there was the intro, and here’s the outro:

Jefferson Smith is a great candidate, and will make a good Mayor. I did license this photo to the campaign, but when it comes to politics, I don’t just license these things out to just anyone.

[art] My PDX Skyline Photo – Coming To Campaign Materials Near You

Posted in Best of ZehnKatzen, liff in PDX, My Best Portland Photos, PDX Skyline, ZehnKatzen Designs on January 31, 2012 by Samuel John Klein Portlandiensis
2778.Disclaimer: This posting does not necessarily imply an endorsement of the Jefferson Smith for Portland Mayor campaign, though I do understand that he’s a pretty nice and smart guy.

It’s my extreme joy (seriously) and a thrill besides to announce that I’ve sold the rights to a photo which appears to be on its way to at least a semi-icon status. The photo is, of course, this one:

And it’s been licensed to a designer working with the Jefferson Smith for Mayor campaign for use in campaign materials through the 2012 campaign.

I’m not saying at this point who I’m voting for, but if the people Jefferson Smith gathers about himself for campaign purposes are any indication, he’d probably make a good mayor. Friendly, coöperative, and incredibly generous in spirit.

Jefferson’s campaign’s web presence is here if you’re so interested:

In the past this photo has been used by others, both who’ve asked and purchased a license and … surprisingly, given my little-fishy status … those who haven’t. Those who have asked and been granted permission include a (now-former) Portland-based Liberal talk-show host and a funky music-themed spot on Belmont.

In the next posting, I’ll be touring some of the web-based peoples who didn’t ask permission. 

[bloggage] My Dallas/Space:1999 Theme Mashup Gets Kudo

Posted in Best of ZehnKatzen, Samuel John Klein, teh_funnay, ZehnKatzen on September 19, 2011 by Samuel John Klein Portlandiensis
2697.Occasionally someone I’ve never known before notices something nifty I did and gives me a warm fuzzy about it, and I’m flattered and a bit happy.

This time, it was a TV theme-mashup I did some time ago … The opening to the 80s nighttime soap Dallas as seen through the stylings of the opening to Space:1999. And here it is:

It was so honored by the blog at here: It came in as a tie for fifth place with a dead-clever treatment Star Trek: The Next Generation as a Love Boat (even had Charo!).

In that company, a tie for fifth is nifty indeed! Thanks, Channel 37!

[pdx] Portland: It’s The Unicorns. Specifically, My Unicorn.

Posted in Best of ZehnKatzen, pdx, PDX Unicorn Burial Ground, pdx unicorns, photoshoppery, Portland Photos, Saint Unicorn, Samuel John Klein, ZehnKatzen on September 4, 2011 by Samuel John Klein Portlandiensis
2684.As shared on Twittah by a longtime compadré, now known by the deliciously cryptic monicker “-b-” (Twittah: brx0), he of the Cyclotram blog, this now-famous Unicorn Photoshoppery of the erstwhile Made In Oregon sign (now the publicly-owned Portland Oregon sign)  has been shared around tumblr like a … well, like something that gets shared alot around tumblr…

It  originally appeared on this blog after I created it here ( and it’s being shared about on tumblr here ( Thank you, FYeahPortland. 
Of course the fame, wealth, power, and influence that should attach to such a notice has not yet descended upon me. I shall alert you all when it does and remind those of you who supported me over the years that positions of astoundingly embarrassing wealth and power may well be yours soon – well, as long as you have already purchased one of equal or greater value.
And so it goes.

[pdx] Why Is Portland OR Better Than Vancouver BC?

Posted in art, Best of ZehnKatzen, Graphic Design Humor, liff in oregon, liff in PDX, Portland Legends, Portland Lore, unicorns on August 3, 2009 by Samuel John Klein Portlandiensis

2182.Dave knows.

A half-megabuck for a liquor license in Canadiddia? Who knew?

Also: Unicorns? We haz them!

I’ll stack whatever VanBC has to PDX’s Unicorn Force any day of the friggn’ week!

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[type] Tracking Vs. Kerning, Redux

Posted in Best of ZehnKatzen, type_design, typography on July 25, 2009 by Samuel John Klein Portlandiensis

2169.Some time ago, I assayed the difference between tracking and kerning (which has everything to do with lettterspacing) in a blog posting here: This last week, I got a thanks for putting up that post, in which the poster said he’d “sell his Twitter soul because it helped me in a pinch”.

This makes me teh happy for more than just the kudo. Kerning and tracking are, for the typographer, two important things, similar but dissimilar, like two very hot twins (of the sex appropriate to you, the reader) that you want to know very much – they both seem very much alike but do some different special talent very well.

You know, like one writes and one draws.

I don’t know what you all were thinking.

Anyway, to keep this fresh and to bring up what I’d consider a “best of”, here’s the text of that Tracking vs. Kerning article. Yeah, it’s important. You’ll see why.

Here we go:

I was recently priviledged to observe a discussion amongst typophiles over which was better to use–kerning or tracking. It’s a fair question, I think, because it illustrates that the two are similar enough in concept (though strikingly different in application) to cause a certain “blurring of the lines” between the two.

Both of them are all about letter spacing. Typographers speak of something called ‘text color’, and what they mean by this is that, when you look at a page of type, there is a general impression of a tone of darkness (I’m going to assume dark type on a light page). The overall letterspacing will have a bearing on this: tight spacing will cause the color to darken, and loose spacing will cause the color to lighten up.

I can see I’m getting a little ahead of myself here, so let’s provide some definitions for the non-typophile:

Kerning refers to altering the spacing between only two letterforms. While the exact derivation of the term is unclear (one reference I use says the term stems from a German word for corner, which I find a little suspect), the kern itself is the area one letterform ‘intrudes’ into another letterform’s space with. As an example, if you consider the word “Tower”, the letterspacing between the majuscule T and the minuscule o looks more comfortable if one actually ‘scoots’ the o just a bit below the top cross-stroke of the T.

On the other hand, tracking refers to letterspacing over a range of letters–from a single word to parts of a sentence to whole sentences and paragraphs and beyond; in fact, another term for it is range kerning. Desipte being similar in concept–it has to do with spacing between the letterforms–it is not the same. Tracking is typically use to apply a standard amount of letterspacing over that range, and is not used with respect to any two individual letterforms. Tracking is usually termed “loose”, for more space between than default, or “tight”, for less.

Without using any examples, what may become evident here is that one isn’t better than the other–one is more appropriate than the other. There are situations where tracking is a more appropriate tool than kerning. I’ll illustrate.

A Situation That Calls for Kerning

Kerning is most appropriate when you are letterspacing very large letterforms, such as headlines, or any large text.

The reason that letterspacing is important is that uneven letterspacing tends to arrest the eye. Break open your favorite word processor (or if you have MSWord, for instance, get familiar with it–while they can’t do layout, they’re amazingly advanced on typography, once one gets to know them) and take some word (like Tower) that has an initial majuscule like T that un unascended minuscule “wants” to kern toward. Now make it real big–72 point or bigger.

If you’ve not touched the kerning, the program used the font metrics to determine the spacing. And you’ll instantly be aware–even if only sublminially–that there’s too much air in general between the letterforms, and the spacing of the letterforms themselves seem rather uneven. A typographer laying this out as a headline would put thier I-beam between each pair that looks like it needs it and kern them out (increase the space) or kern them in (decrease the space).

Kerning is best used on large letters, where individual tweaking can even out the spacing in headlines. When the spacing between large letters feels equal, the eye concentrates on the letterforms, and doesn’t get ‘hung up’ on the space between

A Situation Calling for Tracking

Since kerning is most useful when the letterforms are big, it follows that tracking, if adjusted at all, might be most aprpos for letters at body text sizes–say, 10, 12, 13 points.

Consider any regular paragraph of text type, and think about the look of the letterspacing. At that size, the difference between irregularly spaced letters becomes very small, essentially unnoticeable to the untrained eye–which is most of everyone. Kerning is just not that essential.

However, when the eye does take in this text, it takes it in as a field and any overall differences are registered much more readily.

Tracking, at least when I’ve used it in this wise, is a tool for copyfitting. One of the challenges of the layout artist is to ‘shoehorn’ edited text (that’s what we have editors for) into what is, most often, a predefined space. Adjusting tracking (along with adjusting leading and space before/after) is a quick way to make overset text fit into a space that’s a little small.

The catch here is that you can vary it by just a little, but not too much; the eye will notice and attention will be called to the change, arresting your eye in the same way that uneven kerning on headlines will.

The key to the trick is to adjust tracking over a big range–not one sentence or one word, but one or more paragraphs as appropriate. The bigger the range, the smaller the amount of tracking per letterform pair is required. When you spread the change out, you have to change it less, and the final result will blend in better with the rest of the page, and not call attention to itself. The final look will be more professional.

It’s a balancing act for the layout artist, and usually comes down to trial and error, but for the enlightened layout artist, it’s an entirely doable thing.

And Now, To Summarize

Kerning occurs between two letters only, and is best used when the type is really large, as in headlines and subheads, but not text type.

Tracking is letterspacing over a range, and is best used when you’re adjusting the type color to blend in with the rest of the layout, or copyfitting overset text. As Frederic Goudy said, “A man who would letterspace lower case would steal sheep“, which has always meant to me that if you’re kerning minuscules, you have a whole lot of time to waste, and are probably involved in other unsavory practices…like using MS Publisher.

It’s not which is better…it’s which is more appropriate.

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[type] Tracking Vs. Kerning, Redux

Posted in Best of ZehnKatzen on July 25, 2009 by Samuel John Klein Portlandiensis
2169.Some time ago, I assayed the difference between tracking and kerning (which has everything to do with lettterspacing) in a blog posting here: This last week, I got a thanks for putting up that post, in which the poster said he’d “sell his Twitter soul because it helped me in a pinch”.

This makes me teh happy for more than just the kudo. Kerning and tracking are, for the typographer, two important things, similar but dissimilar, like two very hot twins (of the sex appropriate to you, the reader) that you want to know very much – they both seem very much alike but do some different special talent very well.

You know, like one writes and one draws.

I don’t know what you all were thinking.

Anyway, to keep this fresh and to bring up what I’d consider a “best of”, here’s the text of that Tracking vs. Kerning article. Yeah, it’s important. You’ll see why.

Here we go:

I was recently priviledged to observe a discussion amongst typophiles over which was better to use–kerning or tracking. It’s a fair question, I think, because it illustrates that the two are similar enough in concept (though strikingly different in application) to cause a certain “blurring of the lines” between the two.

Both of them are all about letter spacing. Typographers speak of something called ‘text color’, and what they mean by this is that, when you look at a page of type, there is a general impression of a tone of darkness (I’m going to assume dark type on a light page). The overall letterspacing will have a bearing on this: tight spacing will cause the color to darken, and loose spacing will cause the color to lighten up.

I can see I’m getting a little ahead of myself here, so let’s provide some definitions for the non-typophile:

Kerning refers to altering the spacing between only two letterforms. While the exact derivation of the term is unclear (one reference I use says the term stems from a German word for corner, which I find a little suspect), the kern itself is the area one letterform ‘intrudes’ into another letterform’s space with. As an example, if you consider the word “Tower”, the letterspacing between the majuscule T and the minuscule o looks more comfortable if one actually ‘scoots’ the o just a bit below the top cross-stroke of the T.

On the other hand, tracking refers to letterspacing over a range of letters–from a single word to parts of a sentence to whole sentences and paragraphs and beyond; in fact, another term for it is range kerning. Desipte being similar in concept–it has to do with spacing between the letterforms–it is not the same. Tracking is typically use to apply a standard amount of letterspacing over that range, and is not used with respect to any two individual letterforms. Tracking is usually termed “loose”, for more space between than default, or “tight”, for less.

Without using any examples, what may become evident here is that one isn’t better than the other–one is more appropriate than the other. There are situations where tracking is a more appropriate tool than kerning. I’ll illustrate.

A Situation That Calls for Kerning

Kerning is most appropriate when you are letterspacing very large letterforms, such as headlines, or any large text.

The reason that letterspacing is important is that uneven letterspacing tends to arrest the eye. Break open your favorite word processor (or if you have MSWord, for instance, get familiar with it–while they can’t do layout, they’re amazingly advanced on typography, once one gets to know them) and take some word (like Tower) that has an initial majuscule like T that un unascended minuscule “wants” to kern toward. Now make it real big–72 point or bigger.

If you’ve not touched the kerning, the program used the font metrics to determine the spacing. And you’ll instantly be aware–even if only sublminially–that there’s too much air in general between the letterforms, and the spacing of the letterforms themselves seem rather uneven. A typographer laying this out as a headline would put thier I-beam between each pair that looks like it needs it and kern them out (increase the space) or kern them in (decrease the space).

Kerning is best used on large letters, where individual tweaking can even out the spacing in headlines. When the spacing between large letters feels equal, the eye concentrates on the letterforms, and doesn’t get ‘hung up’ on the space between

A Situation Calling for Tracking

Since kerning is most useful when the letterforms are big, it follows that tracking, if adjusted at all, might be most aprpos for letters at body text sizes–say, 10, 12, 13 points.

Consider any regular paragraph of text type, and think about the look of the letterspacing. At that size, the difference between irregularly spaced letters becomes very small, essentially unnoticeable to the untrained eye–which is most of everyone. Kerning is just not that essential.

However, when the eye does take in this text, it takes it in as a field and any overall differences are registered much more readily.

Tracking, at least when I’ve used it in this wise, is a tool for copyfitting. One of the challenges of the layout artist is to ‘shoehorn’ edited text (that’s what we have editors for) into what is, most often, a predefined space. Adjusting tracking (along with adjusting leading and space before/after) is a quick way to make overset text fit into a space that’s a little small.

The catch here is that you can vary it by just a little, but not too much; the eye will notice and attention will be called to the change, arresting your eye in the same way that uneven kerning on headlines will.

The key to the trick is to adjust tracking over a big range–not one sentence or one word, but one or more paragraphs as appropriate. The bigger the range, the smaller the amount of tracking per letterform pair is required. When you spread the change out, you have to change it less, and the final result will blend in better with the rest of the page, and not call attention to itself. The final look will be more professional.

It’s a balancing act for the layout artist, and usually comes down to trial and error, but for the enlightened layout artist, it’s an entirely doable thing.

And Now, To Summarize

Kerning occurs between two letters only, and is best used when the type is really large, as in headlines and subheads, but not text type.

Tracking is letterspacing over a range, and is best used when you’re adjusting the type color to blend in with the rest of the layout, or copyfitting overset text. As Frederic Goudy said, “A man who would letterspace lower case would steal sheep“, which has always meant to me that if you’re kerning minuscules, you have a whole lot of time to waste, and are probably involved in other unsavory practices…like using MS Publisher.

It’s not which is better…it’s which is more appropriate.

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